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Sept. 9, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Leading A Group As An Introvert

When We Lead my Church small group or our Network Marketing MLM group there are 5 tips that I feel you need to identify in order to be an effective Leder.

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Aug. 27, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Take Responsibility For Your Own Circumstances

If you don't take responsibility for your own actions the you will always be blaming someone else for your problems. In Network Marketing, in Traditional business, on your job stop blaming others.

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Aug. 20, 2012

Lincoln Parks - 5 Ways To Handle Disappointment

If you have been disappointed from a company, person or group we need to learn the 5 steps I reveal in this video for healing.

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Aug. 13, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Obstacles That Overwhelm In Leadership

Are you currently facing an obstacle that is overwhelming you? Well now is the time to take corrective steps

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Aug. 10, 2012

If You Are A Realtor You Need To Pay Attention To 5linx

http://www.telecomenergymlm.com - Call me 678-561-3185 As a Realtor you need to show homes right? You need prospects for your business and close some. Well with 5linx you can do just that. The 5linx system will show you how to get paid even if your homes do not sell. http://www.telecomenergymlm.com

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Aug. 5, 2012

Lincoln Parks - What's Your Journry

Your Journey may be a difficult one or a challenging one. What's yours.

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July 29, 2012

Lincoln Parks - The Line Leader In Leadership

In your 5linx network marketing business, traditional business family or self you should be leading and learning 1:00 - Tip #1 is how we play the game.

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July 22, 2012

Lincoln Leadership Lessons - You Unsubscribed

How do you feel when people unsubscribe from you in your business? Network Marketing, traditional business or blog.

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July 16, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Leaders Let Go!

No matter what business you have you should be growing Leaders. As Leaders grow you should also learn to let them go as they grow their own teams.

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July 8, 2012

Lincoln Leadership Lessons -6 Habits Of Professionals

The habits you need to go from Amateur to Professional are included in this video.

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July 3, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Celebrate Your Independence

http://www.lincolnparks.com Sometimes you have to celebrate your own Independence and get off of that ledge that you are sitting on. Get uncomfortable, lets go! http://www.lincolnparks.com

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July 1, 2012

Lincoln Leadership Lessons - Teamwork

Leading as a team is very important to the overall success of the unit. One chink in the armor and it falls apart.

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June 30, 2012

Lincoln Parks - My 5linx Story

http://www.telecomenergymlm.com Me explaining my 5linx story to our new team members. I went into Corporate America happy but with 40+K in debt because of it. Nobody taught us about Wealth in High School, they just taught us how to get a job and go work for someone else. So when…

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June 24, 2012

Lincoln's Leadership Lessons - Lead Like Yourself

Leading like yourself means taking Authentic steps to your true Leadership abilities.

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June 17, 2012

Fathers Day Leadership Lesson

I give 4 Leadership lessons I learned from my father and how they transformed me.

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June 11, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Leadership Monday (Lesson 3)

You are a leader when You are doing these 6 things.

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May 29, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Why Some Leaders Get It And Some Don't

This is a video segment on why Some Leaders can fly and why some just don't get it. Leadership Monday

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May 22, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Platform Mistakes

How hard is it for you to build your platform? How many mistakes do you make? It's not easy to build a platform it takes allot of trial and error.

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May 21, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Monday Leadership Segment

I need a name for this new segment I am doing on my Blog.mi will be sharing Leadership tips, success tips, this I learned from the week or weekend that push me. Can you help me name this segment?

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April 1, 2012

Your Nebraska Years

You need to pay attention to these years because they will be critical to your growth as a Leader.

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March 25, 2012

The Baptism

Created on March 25, 2012 using FlipShare.

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March 20, 2012

Facing The Giants

You and I both have giants we want to slay. We need to slay them together. We need to take that Giant down to reach our destiny.

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March 12, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Don't Let Your Goals Die

How does the story of Lazarus in the bible relate to your business? You must have faith and not let it die.

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March 6, 2012

Lincoln Parks - 5linx Jacksonville Wealth Seminar

http://www.telecomenergymlm.com I explain a little bit of my story and how I started my business in Network Marketing. If you are looking to start a Home Based Business in 2013 you should be looking at a Business that can contribute to your income. Also, our team is rapidly growing and…

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