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Sept. 15, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Your Bank of Goodwill in Network Marketing pt2

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Sept. 15, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Your Bank of Goodwill in Network Marketing

This video shows you how to have Goodwill with your list. This is exactly what you need to do in order to massage your list and have them respond to you and open your emails when you send them.

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Sept. 13, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Building Your Network Marketing business like Ants

If you want to learn how to have the tenacity and build your Network Marketing business like Ants you need to watch this video

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Sept. 12, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Tout for Network Marketers

Are you using Tout for your Network Marketing business? This is not about spamming people with your Network Marketing business on Tout but using just 15 second short clips about your business or something funny you want to share with your audience.

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Sept. 3, 2011

Is Network Marketing for you?

I am summarizing David Bach's Finish Rich Audio program concerning Direct Sales. Is this Industry for you? Mr. Baby Boomer, Ms Baby Boomer, or Entrepreneur or Corporate worker. Is this for you? But.. My friends will ridicule me for joining Network Marketing.. Think again my friend.. Listen up.

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Aug. 30, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Platinum Leverage - Getting Leads online

In this video, I show you that its possible to get 20 Leads per day using online and offline methods. However, there is one place online marketers get tripped up.

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Aug. 30, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Network Marketing (The Infamous Google Slap & Suspend)

Well Google finally did it to me. They said that I violated their terms of service becuase they deem Network Marketing or Internet Marketing as "Get Rich Quick". There is nothing Get Rich about Network Marketing, you have to do work my BUDDY Google. Trust me, I was pissed. But...…

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Aug. 23, 2011

Lincoln Parks - Your Network Marketing Board of Directors

In Network Marketing you need to have a Board of Directors that are your Key Leaders. If you don't, be warned that you may end up spinning your wheels.

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Aug. 18, 2011

Lincoln Parks - Google Tracking & my MLM Rant

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Aug. 15, 2011

Lincoln Parks | What is Web Hosting?

In this video, I explain a little about Web Hosting and what it is. How do you get setup and what you should do immediately.

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Aug. 11, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Why People Quit in Network Marketing

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Aug. 10, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Platinum Leverage - The Funded Proposal

In this video I break down what a funded proposal is and how you can use it to explode your list and your business.

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Aug. 7, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Platinum Launch Tweak 2

In this video, I show you how I was able to tweak my blog wording that changed how people saw my blog and started opting into my blog after just changing some wording. Changing your blogging settings and tweaking how people interact with your blog is crucial. Make sure you…

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Aug. 4, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Platinum Leverage - Learn to leverage the Internet for Network Marketing

This video gives you a brief blueprint of how you can leverage the Internet for your success.

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Aug. 4, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Platinum Leverage (Leveraging the Internet)

I am showing you an experiment that I did for my business and how we test and tweak our settings for optimal performance for our campaigns. If you are not utilizing the Internet then you are throwing thousands of dollars away.

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Aug. 1, 2011

Platinum Leverage | Lincoln Parks Network Marketing

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July 21, 2011

Platinum Leverage Launch

We are taking Matters into our own hands. We are not waiting on the economy to crash and burn. We found a way how we could Leverage the Internet and use it to benefit our families. Now its time to share this with others.

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June 24, 2011

Something HUGE

Just some Shenanigans - Crazy Stuff - created at http://animoto.com

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June 15, 2011

Take Action Today - Lincoln Parks Network Marketing

This video is for the time wasters in Business that get excited about a task and then a few days later once its all worn off they drop it like a bad habit. They forget about being successful until they see someone else walking the stage. Go Take action!

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May 26, 2011


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May 19, 2011

Wheel of Success - Network Marketing

Your wheel of success is important in Network Marketing. This will tell you where you are in business. Where is your tire flat?

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April 28, 2011

Go through that storm

Lincoln Parks | going through the storms. The storms that you are going through you will need to push through them. We are blessed that we are able to go through storms and come out on the other side.

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April 14, 2011

To Qualify or Disqualify - Lincoln Parks

Lincoln Parks explains how to disqualify prospects offline without telling them about your business.

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March 22, 2011

Lincoln Parks Entrepreneur Boot Camp Day #1

If you are not registered for my Entrepreneur Boot camp series. You need to go register immediately. Not only will I tell you what business to get started in, but what Markets are Trending, and how your little 401K and your Day job can't Bail you out.

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