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Feb. 28, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Week 6 Attack With Gazelle Intensity

Are you under attack by that Lion called complacency, laziness, procrastination? You must attack your Goals with gazelle Intensity.

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Feb. 19, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Happy Anniversary To My Wife

Janice I will go to the ends of the earth for you. You are my only desire. God blessed me with an Angel! Thank you so much because a happy marriage is bliss.

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Feb. 16, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Target Internet leads for your business wit

This system allowed me not to reinvent the wheel, but to just plug and play. Now I push buttons and attract leads.

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Feb. 16, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Are You Committed To Your Goals

In my 5linx business I must burn the bridge behind me and go all in. In your business get rid of the fear and get committed. Those you talk to can feel your fear.

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Feb. 13, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Why I Partnered With 5linx

My reason why I partnered with an Essential Services company.

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Feb. 12, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Week 4 Transformational Goals

Week four transformation is taking place and you are invited.

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Feb. 6, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Commit Or Turn Back Now

This is week 3 in our series and if you haven't decided to commit yet, you should turn back now.

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Feb. 2, 2012

Lincoln Parks - GP Buddy 6 Minute Talk

I spoke at Georgia Pacific downtown Atlanta today for the GP Buddy program. I represented all of the Buddies that mentor 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from M. Agnes Jones Elementary in Atlanta GA. It was a blast!

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Jan. 27, 2012

Lincoln Parks - Week 1 Goals Should Be Done

Are your week 1 goals done? If not you still have time

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Jan. 27, 2012

We Learn, We Have Fun Too!

It's not what we do, it's how we do it.

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Jan. 1, 2012

Goals 2012 - Lincoln Parks

We are going on a 12 week transformational journey. Are you coming along for the ride? It's going to be lots of fun.

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Dec. 21, 2011

Work with Lincoln Parks

In this video, I am giving you an overview of what it is we do and how we allow people to make money and save money with our organization.

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Dec. 21, 2011

Lincoln Parks - Welcome

Welcome to my Website. I am here to give you a tour and show you exactly what it is I do.

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Dec. 21, 2011

Lincoln Parks - Aim to be Outstanding

In your business or whatever you do, you must Aim to be outstanding. I want to show you how we do that.

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Dec. 3, 2011

Will you be at Relevant Church tomorrow? Its all about HOPE

Have you been hoping and praying for a blessing this season. It begins tomorrow.

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Nov. 30, 2011

Money Making Mondays

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Oct. 27, 2011

Network Marketing MLM - Dream Stealer (Lincoln Parks)

In Network Marketing you are going to face Dream Stealer people. If you can identify them before you actually run on them, then you are going to be successful in this Industry.

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Oct. 17, 2011

Lincoln Parks - The Solution to the MLM - Network Marketing Buy In program

This is the solution for many Network Marketers that are still paying peoples way into the business.

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Oct. 17, 2011

Lincoln Parks - Building Tribes in MLM and Network Marketing

Building a tribe in MLM and Network Marketing remains one of the hardest but simplest things you will do as an Entrepreneur in the Direct Sales Industry.

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Oct. 6, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Part-Time in Network Marketing pt 2

If you are like me that works in a cubicle all day, but you want to Leverage your own time and efforts you may want to watch this video so that you are able to see how I am building my Network Marketing business in only 12- 15hrs per week.

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Oct. 3, 2011

Lincoln Parks - The Part Time Network Marketer pt1

The Part Time Network Marketer has a day job. We are currently working for someone else in order to make a living, but we absolutely strive to work for ourselves. Many of us have tried traditional Businesses, but they often fail and are too costly. So guess what?

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Sept. 19, 2011

Bank of Goodwill Pt 2

When you go to the Bank you always want to withdraw from the Bank. However, its best if you Deposit. Here is the Rubber Neck Effect. Its Email Subject lines.

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Sept. 19, 2011

Bank of Goodwill Intro

Created using the One True Media YouTube App - Simply powerful video creation and editing. Create for free.

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Sept. 15, 2011

Lincoln Parks | Your Network Marketing Bank of Goodwill (Video)

This video is explaining how you need to deposit into your Bank of Goodwill with your list that you are building via your blog. If you are not building Goodwill then you are Withdrawing from your list which is not good.

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