Summary Don Dunlap, the executive director of Our World School, discusses the school's mission and services for students with special needs in the Southern Crest of Metro Atlanta. He highlights the small class sizes and indiv...
Summary In this podcast episode, Lincoln Parks interviews Kevin Callison from Modern Woodman Financial. Kevin shares his background and how he came to the Henry County community. He discusses his passion for building financia...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, Lincoln Parks interviews Kamal and Susan, the owners of Events AT 2120. They share their journey of starting their business and the challenges they faced along the way. They d...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, host Lincoln Parks interviews Anthony Lawson, the owner of Burn Bootcamp in McDonough. They discuss the background of Burn Bootcamp and its unique approach to fitness training...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, host Lincoln Parks interviews local entrepreneur and business owner Steve Nail. They discuss Steve's journey in starting his HVAC business, the importance of trade school and ...
Summary Dr. Erica McRae shares her journey of starting a home care business and the challenges she has faced. She emphasizes the importance of perseverance and following one's passion. Dr. McRae also discusses her mission to ...
Summary In this episode of the Local Podcast, Lincoln Parks interviews Tiffany Muhammad from Extreme Synergy LLC. Tiffany shares her journey of starting a service-based business that offers fingerprinting background checks, n...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, host Lincoln Parks interviews attorney Shawn Council. They discuss Shawn's journey into law, her passion for helping businesses, and the importance of seeking legal advice. Sh...
Summary Octavia Dunnigan, a business owner and community leader, shares her journey and passion for supporting children and families. She discusses her business, Old Children's Club, which focuses on reinforcing positive beha...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, host Lincoln Parks interviews Judy McMurtry, a local business consultant and entrepreneur. They discuss Judy's background in the aviation industry and her transition to consul...
Summary In this episode of the I'm Local podcast, host Lincoln Parks interviews Gregory Dulac, the owner of Just Dogs ATL, a local hot dog restaurant in McDonough. Gregory shares his journey as a business owner, including his...